Scientific Program
The opening session will start at 3 pm on sunday 27
15.10 – 17.55 Session 1A Autism, intellectual disability: Converging or contrasting genetic features ?
Speakers: Michael Ronemus (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA) The contribution of rare and de novo mutation to autism spectrum disorders, Thomas Bourgeron (Inst. Pasteur Paris, France) Genes, synapses and autisms, Sébastien Jacquemont (U. Montreal, Canada) Sex bias in neuropsychiatric disorders : Clinical and molecular correlates, Roberto Toro (Inst. Pasteur Paris, France) Polygenic contribution to autism and neuroanatomical variation, General discussion ID +/- autism, autism without ID, in males and females : Same genes ? Same pathways ? Same genetic epidemiology ?
17.55 - 19.00 Session 1B Functional mechanisms
Speakers: Jozef Gecz (U. Adelaide, Australia) Mechanisms of PCDH19 associated female epilepsy & intellectual disability, Hans van Bockhoven (Radboud university medical center, Netherlands) Integrative networks in neurodevelopmental disorders, Giuseppe Testa (IFOM-IEO Milano, Italy) Epigenetic reprogramming in neurodevelopmental disorders : From mechanism to tool and back
And see the following pdf file for the details of all sessions
Oral presentations: The timing of your talk as indicated in the program includes time for questions/answers. As the timing is very constrained, all powerpoint presentations should be downloaded before the corresponding sessions, from a USBkey onto the MAC or PC computers that will be at your disposal in the auditorium.If you don’t have your slide show on a USB key, please come forward to our technician during session’s breaks.
Poster presentations: Posters should ideally be printed in an A0 format (84 cm wide and 119 cm long). Our stands can hold posters no wider than 95 cm and no longer than 160 cm. The stands can hold vertical format only printed on either paper or fabric. Your poster holder, should be duly tagged with your name and handed in at your arrival at IGBMC
Posters will be hanged on Monday morning before the first session or during the first coffee break. Our team members under the marquee will help and indicate the raigyhyour poster at the right location according to the abstract book numbering. Clips will be at your disposal. Posters will be on show during marked poster sessions, but also during Monday and Tuesday lunches and during all coffee breaks, as these take place in the same area as posters. This should allow good visibility and interaction with interested participants.
Confirmed speakers(as of july 15, 2015) and tentative titles of talks:
A special session on Fragile X treatment perspectives will be held on Monday afternoon and will include as speakers in addition to Randi Hagerman and Frank Kooy, Elizabeth Berry-Kravis (Rush University, Chicago), Aurore Curie (CHU and CNRS, Lyon), Giovanni Neri (Rome), Florian von Raison (Novartis Pharma AG, Basel), Jonathan Rubin (Alcobra Pharma, USA), Flora Tassone (UC Davis)
As usual in this meeting, most of the talks have been selected by the scientific program committee from submitted abstracts.
There will be ample time for poster viewing.
There will be opportunity (limited to 30 people) to visit ICS on Sunday morning from 10 to 12.30 (Visit fully booked now). ICS is the Mouse Clinic, adjacent to IGBMC. This will notably focus on its activity in creating mouse (or even rat) genetic models for neurodevelopmental conditions and in behavioral and cognitive phenotyping, or in preclinical drug testing. http://www.ics-mci.fr/en/
Schedule: The meeting will take place from the early afternoon (3 pm) of Sunday 27 to Wednesday 30 (1pm). Fragile X related topics will be programmed before Tuesday noon, so that aficionados of the FraX premutation can attend the “2nd International Conference on FMR1 Premutation: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Involvement”, which will be held from September 30th (starting mid-afternoon) to October 2nd, 2015 in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain (cheap direct flights from Basel Airport to Barcelona).
The welcome reception on sunday evening will include Alsace wine tasting.
The banquet on tuesday evening (starting 8 pm tuesday ) is strictly upon prior reservation or invitation and will be held the Royal setting of the Palais des Rohan, built on the plans of one of the architects of the Chateau de Versailles. It will be preceded by a short organ concert (open to all participants) in our 1000 years old cathedral, a jewel of gothic art.